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Dotaz k ultrazvuku a stanovení stáří plodu

Dobrý den, paní doktorko,

opravdu moc Vám děkuji za upřesnění mého dotazu týkající se ultrazvuků a stanovení stáří plodu. Věřím, že jste časově značně vytížená, nicméně jsem se rozhodla, že Vám ještě jednou napíšu.

Pokud by to bylo možné, ráda bych se s Vámi ještě poradila. Bude to znít možná hloupě, omlouvám se... S přítelem jsme se po dvanácti letech společného soužití rozhodli založit rodinu. Toto jsme plánovali velmi důkladně a snažili jsme se na to co nejlépe připravit (jak fyzicky, tak psychicky). Dohodli jsme se, že se o miminko začneme snažit v listopadu 2015. Na konci října jsem však udělala, bohužel pod vlivem alkoholu, fatální chybu, které nesmírně lituji, s dlouholetým společným kamarádem. Bohužel kromě mazlení přes oblečení a orální sex (s ejakulací do úst) k ničemu jinému nedošlo. Toto se stalo 4 DC, kdy mi končila menstruace. Cykly mívám delší, za posledního půl roku pravidelné v rozmezí 30-31 dnů. S přítelelem jsme se začali snažit o miminko 10 DC, dále jsme měli nechráněný pohlavní styk 12 DC, 14 DC, 16 DC a 19 DC. Podařilo se nám hned napoprvé. Bohužel místo radosti od zjištění těhotenství prožívám velké trápení a špatný psychický stav mi i komplikuje průběh těhotenství. Je to již 6 měsíců, co mě napadají myšlenky, zda nemohlo děťátko vzejít z toho orálního sexu...

Já vím, že skrze něj k otěhotnění dojít nemůže, ale v hlavě mi neustále běží myšlenky, že jsem mohla mít nějaké sperma na ruce (i když jsem si je hned poté umyla) a potom se třeba otřít o přirození (například při následném zavádění tamponu na toaletě), nepatrné množství takto přeneseného spermatu se mohlo dostat dovnitř a počkat zde třeba na ovulaci - 6 dní? Paní doktorko, je možné takto otěhotnět?

Těhotenský test mi vyšel pozitivní až cca 5 dní po vynechání menstruace; od začátku těhotenství jsem podstoupila ultrazvukové vyšetření - nejprve nebylo vidět srdíčko a můj gynekolog naznal, že je těhotenství mladší, v 7tt, 10tt a 13 tt (NT+ screening) vycházelo těhotenství vždy o 6 dní mladší. Proto jsem se Vás ptala, zda ultrazvuk pozná přibližné datum početí a stáří plodu. Paní doktorko, můžu se na Vás ještě, prosím Vás - jakožto odborníka na plodnost/neplodnost, obrátit s dotazem, zda je možné, aby shora popisovaným způsobem došlo k početí (v rámci orálního sexu a případného přenosu nepatrného množství spermatu, při menstruaci, při délce mého cyklu, s ohledem na výsledky ultrazvuků). Asi Vám to zní šíleně, ale věřte, že místo šťastného období procházím depresemi a úzkostmi, "zda se nemohlo něco stát". Pokud dopočítám dle UZ a odečtu těch zmíněných 14 dní, vychází početí vždy na 21 DC - mohu se na to spolehnout, nemůže se ultrazvuk ve stanovení stáří splést třeba o 10-12 dní? S přítelem jsme oba drobní, tak jestli není miminko třeba menší z tohoto důvodu a k otěhotnění nemohlo dojít už třeba 4 - 9 DC...

Moc se omlouvám, že Vám ještě píšu, ale musela jsem. Budu velmi, ale velmi vděčná za Vaši odpověď a vysvětlení, pokud si uděláte čas.

Hodně by mi to pomohlo. Ještě jednou Vám moc děkuji, Dagmar


Vážená paní Hradská,

děkuji Vám za důvěru. Jsem si zcela jistá, že k početí způsobem, který popisujete (orální sex, případné spermie na ruce a otření se o přirození), dojít nemohlo. K početí je třeba poměrně vysoké koncentrace pohyblivých spermií. Představa, že tento výše popsaný případný (vůbec ne jistý) způsob zavedení spermií do pochvy dostačuje k otěhotnění, je, naštěstí pro Vás, zcela mylná. Takto příroda nefunguje. Provedená ultrazvukové měření navíc ukazují na to, že k početí došlo opravdu mnohem později. V počátečních těhotenských týdnech všechny zdravé plody rostou stejně, až zhruba ve druhé části gravidity se růst jednotlivých plodů individuálně odlišuje podle genetických předpokladů, výživy matky a podobně. Proto je také měření v 10. - 12. týdnu nejpřesnější. Prosím, radujte se z Vašeho těhotenství a už nemějte vůbec žádné pochyby.

Mějte se krásně.

Se srdečným pozdravem

MUDr. Lenka Hromadová

vedoucí lékař IVF ambulance

Sanatorium REPROMEDA

Viniční 235

615 00 Brno

tel. +420 533 306 351

Diskuze k článku

BryanIcoge (neověřeno) | Po 26.08.2024 11:21

Hello Do you want to become the best SEO specialist and link builder or do you want to outpace your competitors? Premium base for XRumer 119/one-time Get access to our premium database which is updated monthly The database contains only those resources from which you will receive active links - from profiles and postings as well as a huge collection of contact forms. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase without updating the databases for 38. Fresh base for XRumer 94/one-time Get access to our fresh database updated monthly The database includes active links from forums guest books blogs etc. as well as profiles and activations. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase without updating the databases for 25. GSA Search Engine Ranker fresh verified link list 119/one-time Get access to our fresh database updated monthly The fresh database includes verified and identified links divided by engine. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase without updating the databases for 38. GSA Search Engine Ranker activation key 65 With GSA Search Engine Ranker youll never have to worry about backlinks again. The software creates backlinks for you 24 hours a day 7 days a week. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us you get a quality product at a competitive price saving your resources. To contact us write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio

BryanIcoge (neověřeno) | Po 26.08.2024 11:21


Do you want to become the best SEO specialist and link builder or do you want to outpace your competitors?

Premium base for XRumer
Get access to our premium database, which is updated monthly! The database contains only those resources from which you will receive active links - from profiles and postings, as well as a huge collection of contact forms. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.

Fresh base for XRumer
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The database includes active links from forums, guest books, blogs, etc., as well as profiles and activations. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $25.

GSA Search Engine Ranker fresh verified link list
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The fresh database includes verified and identified links, divided by engine. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.

GSA Search Engine Ranker activation key
With GSA Search Engine Ranker, you'll never have to worry about backlinks again. The software creates backlinks for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us, you get a quality product at a competitive price, saving your resources.

To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio

BryanIcoge (neověřeno) | Po 26.08.2024 11:22

Hello Do you want to become the best SEO specialist and link builder or do you want to outpace your competitors? Premium base for XRumer 119/one-time Get access to our premium database which is updated monthly The database contains only those resources from which you will receive active links - from profiles and postings as well as a huge collection of contact forms. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase without updating the databases for 38. Fresh base for XRumer 94/one-time Get access to our fresh database updated monthly The database includes active links from forums guest books blogs etc. as well as profiles and activations. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase without updating the databases for 25. GSA Search Engine Ranker fresh verified link list 119/one-time Get access to our fresh database updated monthly The fresh database includes verified and identified links divided by engine. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase without updating the databases for 38. GSA Search Engine Ranker activation key 65 With GSA Search Engine Ranker youll never have to worry about backlinks again. The software creates backlinks for you 24 hours a day 7 days a week. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us you get a quality product at a competitive price saving your resources. To contact us write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio

BryanIcoge (neověřeno) | Po 26.08.2024 11:22


Do you want to become the best SEO specialist and link builder or do you want to outpace your competitors?

Premium base for XRumer
Get access to our premium database, which is updated monthly! The database contains only those resources from which you will receive active links - from profiles and postings, as well as a huge collection of contact forms. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.

Fresh base for XRumer
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The database includes active links from forums, guest books, blogs, etc., as well as profiles and activations. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $25.

GSA Search Engine Ranker fresh verified link list
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The fresh database includes verified and identified links, divided by engine. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.

GSA Search Engine Ranker activation key
With GSA Search Engine Ranker, you'll never have to worry about backlinks again. The software creates backlinks for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us, you get a quality product at a competitive price, saving your resources.

To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio

BryanIcoge (neověřeno) | Po 26.08.2024 11:22


Do you want to become the best SEO specialist and link builder or do you want to outpace your competitors?

Premium base for XRumer
Get access to our premium database, which is updated monthly! The database contains only those resources from which you will receive active links - from profiles and postings, as well as a huge collection of contact forms. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.

Fresh base for XRumer
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The database includes active links from forums, guest books, blogs, etc., as well as profiles and activations. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $25.

GSA Search Engine Ranker fresh verified link list
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The fresh database includes verified and identified links, divided by engine. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.

GSA Search Engine Ranker activation key
With GSA Search Engine Ranker, you'll never have to worry about backlinks again. The software creates backlinks for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us, you get a quality product at a competitive price, saving your resources.

To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio

BryanIcoge (neověřeno) | Po 26.08.2024 11:23


Do you want to become the best SEO specialist and link builder or do you want to outpace your competitors?

Premium base for XRumer
Get access to our premium database, which is updated monthly! The database contains only those resources from which you will receive active links - from profiles and postings, as well as a huge collection of contact forms. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.

Fresh base for XRumer
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The database includes active links from forums, guest books, blogs, etc., as well as profiles and activations. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $25.

GSA Search Engine Ranker fresh verified link list
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The fresh database includes verified and identified links, divided by engine. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.

GSA Search Engine Ranker activation key
With GSA Search Engine Ranker, you'll never have to worry about backlinks again. The software creates backlinks for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us, you get a quality product at a competitive price, saving your resources.

To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio

BryanIcoge (neověřeno) | Po 26.08.2024 11:23


Do you want to become the best SEO specialist and link builder or do you want to outpace your competitors?

Premium base for XRumer
Get access to our premium database, which is updated monthly! The database contains only those resources from which you will receive active links - from profiles and postings, as well as a huge collection of contact forms. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.

Fresh base for XRumer
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The database includes active links from forums, guest books, blogs, etc., as well as profiles and activations. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $25.

GSA Search Engine Ranker fresh verified link list
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The fresh database includes verified and identified links, divided by engine. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.

GSA Search Engine Ranker activation key
With GSA Search Engine Ranker, you'll never have to worry about backlinks again. The software creates backlinks for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us, you get a quality product at a competitive price, saving your resources.

To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio

BryanIcoge (neověřeno) | Po 26.08.2024 11:23


Do you want to become the best SEO specialist and link builder or do you want to outpace your competitors?

Premium base for XRumer
Get access to our premium database, which is updated monthly! The database contains only those resources from which you will receive active links - from profiles and postings, as well as a huge collection of contact forms. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.

Fresh base for XRumer
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The database includes active links from forums, guest books, blogs, etc., as well as profiles and activations. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $25.

GSA Search Engine Ranker fresh verified link list
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The fresh database includes verified and identified links, divided by engine. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.

GSA Search Engine Ranker activation key
With GSA Search Engine Ranker, you'll never have to worry about backlinks again. The software creates backlinks for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us, you get a quality product at a competitive price, saving your resources.

To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio

BryanIcoge (neověřeno) | Po 26.08.2024 11:24


Do you want to become the best SEO specialist and link builder or do you want to outpace your competitors?

Premium base for XRumer
Get access to our premium database, which is updated monthly! The database contains only those resources from which you will receive active links - from profiles and postings, as well as a huge collection of contact forms. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.

Fresh base for XRumer
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The database includes active links from forums, guest books, blogs, etc., as well as profiles and activations. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $25.

GSA Search Engine Ranker fresh verified link list
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The fresh database includes verified and identified links, divided by engine. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.

GSA Search Engine Ranker activation key
With GSA Search Engine Ranker, you'll never have to worry about backlinks again. The software creates backlinks for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us, you get a quality product at a competitive price, saving your resources.

To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio

BryanIcoge (neověřeno) | Po 26.08.2024 11:24


Do you want to become the best SEO specialist and link builder or do you want to outpace your competitors?

Premium base for XRumer
Get access to our premium database, which is updated monthly! The database contains only those resources from which you will receive active links - from profiles and postings, as well as a huge collection of contact forms. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.

Fresh base for XRumer
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The database includes active links from forums, guest books, blogs, etc., as well as profiles and activations. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $25.

GSA Search Engine Ranker fresh verified link list
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The fresh database includes verified and identified links, divided by engine. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.

GSA Search Engine Ranker activation key
With GSA Search Engine Ranker, you'll never have to worry about backlinks again. The software creates backlinks for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us, you get a quality product at a competitive price, saving your resources.

To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio

BryanIcoge (neověřeno) | Po 26.08.2024 11:24


Do you want to become the best SEO specialist and link builder or do you want to outpace your competitors?

Premium base for XRumer
Get access to our premium database, which is updated monthly! The database contains only those resources from which you will receive active links - from profiles and postings, as well as a huge collection of contact forms. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.

Fresh base for XRumer
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The database includes active links from forums, guest books, blogs, etc., as well as profiles and activations. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $25.

GSA Search Engine Ranker fresh verified link list
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The fresh database includes verified and identified links, divided by engine. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.

GSA Search Engine Ranker activation key
With GSA Search Engine Ranker, you'll never have to worry about backlinks again. The software creates backlinks for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us, you get a quality product at a competitive price, saving your resources.

To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio

BryanIcoge (neověřeno) | Po 26.08.2024 11:24


Do you want to become the best SEO specialist and link builder or do you want to outpace your competitors?

Premium base for XRumer
Get access to our premium database, which is updated monthly! The database contains only those resources from which you will receive active links - from profiles and postings, as well as a huge collection of contact forms. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.

Fresh base for XRumer
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The database includes active links from forums, guest books, blogs, etc., as well as profiles and activations. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $25.

GSA Search Engine Ranker fresh verified link list
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The fresh database includes verified and identified links, divided by engine. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.

GSA Search Engine Ranker activation key
With GSA Search Engine Ranker, you'll never have to worry about backlinks again. The software creates backlinks for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us, you get a quality product at a competitive price, saving your resources.

To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio

BryanIcoge (neověřeno) | Po 26.08.2024 11:24


Do you want to become the best SEO specialist and link builder or do you want to outpace your competitors?

Premium base for XRumer
Get access to our premium database, which is updated monthly! The database contains only those resources from which you will receive active links - from profiles and postings, as well as a huge collection of contact forms. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.

Fresh base for XRumer
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The database includes active links from forums, guest books, blogs, etc., as well as profiles and activations. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $25.

GSA Search Engine Ranker fresh verified link list
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The fresh database includes verified and identified links, divided by engine. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.

GSA Search Engine Ranker activation key
With GSA Search Engine Ranker, you'll never have to worry about backlinks again. The software creates backlinks for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us, you get a quality product at a competitive price, saving your resources.

To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio

BryanIcoge (neověřeno) | Po 26.08.2024 11:25


Do you want to become the best SEO specialist and link builder or do you want to outpace your competitors?

Premium base for XRumer
Get access to our premium database, which is updated monthly! The database contains only those resources from which you will receive active links - from profiles and postings, as well as a huge collection of contact forms. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.

Fresh base for XRumer
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The database includes active links from forums, guest books, blogs, etc., as well as profiles and activations. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $25.

GSA Search Engine Ranker fresh verified link list
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The fresh database includes verified and identified links, divided by engine. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.

GSA Search Engine Ranker activation key
With GSA Search Engine Ranker, you'll never have to worry about backlinks again. The software creates backlinks for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us, you get a quality product at a competitive price, saving your resources.

To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio

BryanIcoge (neověřeno) | Po 26.08.2024 11:25


Do you want to become the best SEO specialist and link builder or do you want to outpace your competitors?

Premium base for XRumer
Get access to our premium database, which is updated monthly! The database contains only those resources from which you will receive active links - from profiles and postings, as well as a huge collection of contact forms. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.

Fresh base for XRumer
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The database includes active links from forums, guest books, blogs, etc., as well as profiles and activations. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $25.

GSA Search Engine Ranker fresh verified link list
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The fresh database includes verified and identified links, divided by engine. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.

GSA Search Engine Ranker activation key
With GSA Search Engine Ranker, you'll never have to worry about backlinks again. The software creates backlinks for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us, you get a quality product at a competitive price, saving your resources.

To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio

BryanIcoge (neověřeno) | Po 26.08.2024 11:26


Do you want to become the best SEO specialist and link builder or do you want to outpace your competitors?

Premium base for XRumer
Get access to our premium database, which is updated monthly! The database contains only those resources from which you will receive active links - from profiles and postings, as well as a huge collection of contact forms. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.

Fresh base for XRumer
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The database includes active links from forums, guest books, blogs, etc., as well as profiles and activations. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $25.

GSA Search Engine Ranker fresh verified link list
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The fresh database includes verified and identified links, divided by engine. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.

GSA Search Engine Ranker activation key
With GSA Search Engine Ranker, you'll never have to worry about backlinks again. The software creates backlinks for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us, you get a quality product at a competitive price, saving your resources.

To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio

BryanIcoge (neověřeno) | Po 26.08.2024 11:26


Do you want to become the best SEO specialist and link builder or do you want to outpace your competitors?

Premium base for XRumer
Get access to our premium database, which is updated monthly! The database contains only those resources from which you will receive active links - from profiles and postings, as well as a huge collection of contact forms. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.

Fresh base for XRumer
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The database includes active links from forums, guest books, blogs, etc., as well as profiles and activations. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $25.

GSA Search Engine Ranker fresh verified link list
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The fresh database includes verified and identified links, divided by engine. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.

GSA Search Engine Ranker activation key
With GSA Search Engine Ranker, you'll never have to worry about backlinks again. The software creates backlinks for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us, you get a quality product at a competitive price, saving your resources.

To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio

BryanIcoge (neověřeno) | Po 26.08.2024 11:27

Hello Do you want to become the best SEO specialist and link builder or do you want to outpace your competitors? Premium base for XRumer 119/one-time Get access to our premium database which is updated monthly The database contains only those resources from which you will receive active links - from profiles and postings as well as a huge collection of contact forms. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase without updating the databases for 38. Fresh base for XRumer 94/one-time Get access to our fresh database updated monthly The database includes active links from forums guest books blogs etc. as well as profiles and activations. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase without updating the databases for 25. GSA Search Engine Ranker fresh verified link list 119/one-time Get access to our fresh database updated monthly The fresh database includes verified and identified links divided by engine. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase without updating the databases for 38. GSA Search Engine Ranker activation key 65 With GSA Search Engine Ranker youll never have to worry about backlinks again. The software creates backlinks for you 24 hours a day 7 days a week. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us you get a quality product at a competitive price saving your resources. To contact us write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio

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