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Dotaz k ultrazvuku a stanovení stáří plodu

Dobrý den, paní doktorko,

opravdu moc Vám děkuji za upřesnění mého dotazu týkající se ultrazvuků a stanovení stáří plodu. Věřím, že jste časově značně vytížená, nicméně jsem se rozhodla, že Vám ještě jednou napíšu.

Pokud by to bylo možné, ráda bych se s Vámi ještě poradila. Bude to znít možná hloupě, omlouvám se... S přítelem jsme se po dvanácti letech společného soužití rozhodli založit rodinu. Toto jsme plánovali velmi důkladně a snažili jsme se na to co nejlépe připravit (jak fyzicky, tak psychicky). Dohodli jsme se, že se o miminko začneme snažit v listopadu 2015. Na konci října jsem však udělala, bohužel pod vlivem alkoholu, fatální chybu, které nesmírně lituji, s dlouholetým společným kamarádem. Bohužel kromě mazlení přes oblečení a orální sex (s ejakulací do úst) k ničemu jinému nedošlo. Toto se stalo 4 DC, kdy mi končila menstruace. Cykly mívám delší, za posledního půl roku pravidelné v rozmezí 30-31 dnů. S přítelelem jsme se začali snažit o miminko 10 DC, dále jsme měli nechráněný pohlavní styk 12 DC, 14 DC, 16 DC a 19 DC. Podařilo se nám hned napoprvé. Bohužel místo radosti od zjištění těhotenství prožívám velké trápení a špatný psychický stav mi i komplikuje průběh těhotenství. Je to již 6 měsíců, co mě napadají myšlenky, zda nemohlo děťátko vzejít z toho orálního sexu...

Já vím, že skrze něj k otěhotnění dojít nemůže, ale v hlavě mi neustále běží myšlenky, že jsem mohla mít nějaké sperma na ruce (i když jsem si je hned poté umyla) a potom se třeba otřít o přirození (například při následném zavádění tamponu na toaletě), nepatrné množství takto přeneseného spermatu se mohlo dostat dovnitř a počkat zde třeba na ovulaci - 6 dní? Paní doktorko, je možné takto otěhotnět?

Těhotenský test mi vyšel pozitivní až cca 5 dní po vynechání menstruace; od začátku těhotenství jsem podstoupila ultrazvukové vyšetření - nejprve nebylo vidět srdíčko a můj gynekolog naznal, že je těhotenství mladší, v 7tt, 10tt a 13 tt (NT+ screening) vycházelo těhotenství vždy o 6 dní mladší. Proto jsem se Vás ptala, zda ultrazvuk pozná přibližné datum početí a stáří plodu. Paní doktorko, můžu se na Vás ještě, prosím Vás - jakožto odborníka na plodnost/neplodnost, obrátit s dotazem, zda je možné, aby shora popisovaným způsobem došlo k početí (v rámci orálního sexu a případného přenosu nepatrného množství spermatu, při menstruaci, při délce mého cyklu, s ohledem na výsledky ultrazvuků). Asi Vám to zní šíleně, ale věřte, že místo šťastného období procházím depresemi a úzkostmi, "zda se nemohlo něco stát". Pokud dopočítám dle UZ a odečtu těch zmíněných 14 dní, vychází početí vždy na 21 DC - mohu se na to spolehnout, nemůže se ultrazvuk ve stanovení stáří splést třeba o 10-12 dní? S přítelem jsme oba drobní, tak jestli není miminko třeba menší z tohoto důvodu a k otěhotnění nemohlo dojít už třeba 4 - 9 DC...

Moc se omlouvám, že Vám ještě píšu, ale musela jsem. Budu velmi, ale velmi vděčná za Vaši odpověď a vysvětlení, pokud si uděláte čas.

Hodně by mi to pomohlo. Ještě jednou Vám moc děkuji, Dagmar


Vážená paní Hradská,

děkuji Vám za důvěru. Jsem si zcela jistá, že k početí způsobem, který popisujete (orální sex, případné spermie na ruce a otření se o přirození), dojít nemohlo. K početí je třeba poměrně vysoké koncentrace pohyblivých spermií. Představa, že tento výše popsaný případný (vůbec ne jistý) způsob zavedení spermií do pochvy dostačuje k otěhotnění, je, naštěstí pro Vás, zcela mylná. Takto příroda nefunguje. Provedená ultrazvukové měření navíc ukazují na to, že k početí došlo opravdu mnohem později. V počátečních těhotenských týdnech všechny zdravé plody rostou stejně, až zhruba ve druhé části gravidity se růst jednotlivých plodů individuálně odlišuje podle genetických předpokladů, výživy matky a podobně. Proto je také měření v 10. - 12. týdnu nejpřesnější. Prosím, radujte se z Vašeho těhotenství a už nemějte vůbec žádné pochyby.

Mějte se krásně.

Se srdečným pozdravem

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Diskuze k článku

Arturotulty (neověřeno) | Ne 04.08.2024 10:13

Мы гордимся качеством нашей работы и стремимся превзойти ваши ожидания https://fabrikaofabrikaokuhny.ru/.

Jamesskype (neověřeno) | Ne 04.08.2024 10:21

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Yrefuhl (neověřeno) | Ne 04.08.2024 13:06

<u><b> Добрый день!</b></u>
<b>Приобрести диплом университета.</b>
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Joshuatully (neověřeno) | Ne 04.08.2024 13:19

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Clydehorgo (neověřeno) | Ne 04.08.2024 13:23

The latest on the Paris Olympics
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The Olympic tennis tournament is underway, but the red clay of Roland Garros is missing some of the sport’s biggest stars, including world no. 1 Jannik Sinner.

While some are sidelined by illnesses and injuries, others are abstaining as a result of the professional circuit’s brutal schedule this summer.

Between the French Open, Wimbledon and the US Open, summer is always a busy season for those chasing an elusive Grand Slam title. Though the rest of the sports world sees the Olympics as the ultimate competition, the Games’ anthem falls flat amidst the prestigious yearly summer tournaments in Paris, London and New York.
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Ben Shelton, the rising 21-year-old US star ranked No. 14 in the world, said the Olympics fall at a tough time in the tournament schedule, as he will be coming off a stint in Europe and wants to prepare for the US Open.

“Having to go back to Europe to play on clay, a different surface – it kind of messes up a few lead-up tournaments to the US Open that I would play if I wasn’t playing the Olympics,” Shelton told reporters in the spring.

Dnrtnww (neověřeno) | Ne 04.08.2024 13:40
Arturotulty (neověřeno) | Ne 04.08.2024 13:49

Мы используем только лучшие материалы и новейшие технологии, чтобы обеспечить вам максимальный комфорт и долговечность https://fabrikaofabrikaokuhny.ru/.

Arturotulty (neověřeno) | Ne 04.08.2024 15:39

Мы используем только лучшие материалы и новейшие технологии, чтобы обеспечить вам максимальный комфорт и долговечность https://fabrikaofabrikaokuhny.ru/.

Arturotulty (neověřeno) | Ne 04.08.2024 16:43

Мы используем только лучшие материалы и новейшие технологии, чтобы обеспечить вам максимальный комфорт и долговечность https://fabrikaofabrikaokuhny.ru/.

Razrjbw (neověřeno) | Ne 04.08.2024 16:49

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SolomonTub (neověřeno) | Ne 04.08.2024 17:31

The latest on the Paris Olympics
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The Olympic tennis tournament is underway, but the red clay of Roland Garros is missing some of the sport’s biggest stars, including world no. 1 Jannik Sinner.

While some are sidelined by illnesses and injuries, others are abstaining as a result of the professional circuit’s brutal schedule this summer.

Between the French Open, Wimbledon and the US Open, summer is always a busy season for those chasing an elusive Grand Slam title. Though the rest of the sports world sees the Olympics as the ultimate competition, the Games’ anthem falls flat amidst the prestigious yearly summer tournaments in Paris, London and New York.
кракен даркнет
Ben Shelton, the rising 21-year-old US star ranked No. 14 in the world, said the Olympics fall at a tough time in the tournament schedule, as he will be coming off a stint in Europe and wants to prepare for the US Open.

“Having to go back to Europe to play on clay, a different surface – it kind of messes up a few lead-up tournaments to the US Open that I would play if I wasn’t playing the Olympics,” Shelton told reporters in the spring.

Arturotulty (neověřeno) | Ne 04.08.2024 18:01

Мы гордимся качеством нашей работы и стремимся превзойти ваши ожидания https://fabrikaofabrikaokuhny.ru/.

Dennisgluts (neověřeno) | Ne 04.08.2024 18:23

Heat is testing the limits of human survivability. Here’s how it kills
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Philip Kreycik should have survived his run.

In the summer of 2021, the 37-year-old ultra-marathon runner used an app to plot a roughly 8-mile loop through Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park in California, a huge stretch of parkland threaded with trails.

On the morning of July 10, as temperatures crept into the 90s, Kreycik set off from his car, leaving his phone and water locked inside. He started at a lightning pace — eating up the first 5 miles, each one in less than six minutes.
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Then things started to go wrong. GPS data from his smartwatch showed he slowed dramatically. He veered off the trail. His steps became erratic. By this time, the temperature was above 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

When Kreycik failed to show up for a family lunch, his wife contacted the police.
It took more than three weeks to find his body. An autopsy showed no sign of traumatic injuries. Police confirmed Kreycik likely experienced a medical emergency related to the heat.

The tragedy is sadly far from unique; extreme heat is turning ordinary activities deadly.

People have died taking a stroll in the midday sun, on a family hike in a national park, at an outdoor Taylor Swift concert, and even sweltering in their homes without air conditioning. During this year’s Hajj pilgrimage in June, around 1,300 people perished as temperatures pushed above 120 degrees Fahrenheit in Mecca.

Everettgam (neověřeno) | Ne 04.08.2024 18:26

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BerniePab (neověřeno) | Ne 04.08.2024 18:33

Roland Garros is loud ahead of epic clash between Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic. Here's how to watch.
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The first match of the day is about to get going at Court Philippe-Chatrier here at Roland Garros and it is going to be an electric afternoon in the Paris sunshine.

Today’s first contest is a second-round encounter in the women’s tournament between France’s Diane Parry and Poland’s Iga Swiatek. While the home nation’s crowd will certainly be behind Parry, it’s the second clash on the schedule that has everyone’s mouths watering.
Rafael Nadal, the ‘King of Clay’ and 14-time winner of the French Open held annually on this court, is the sentimental favorite. Nadal has endeared himself to the Paris faithful over the years with his dominance of the French Open and is attempting to make one final run for gold on what could potentially be one of his last runs on these famous clay courts as he alludes to a career which is slowly winding down.

Meanwhile, for Novak Djokovic — the winner of 24 grand slams, the most all-time in the men’s game — Nadal is a major obstacle to the one title he hasn’t won: an Olympic gold medal. The Serb has been open about his desire to win his first gold.

Nadal eked out a win in three sets on Sunday in his first-round match while Djokovic cruised on Saturday in his opening contest. The Spaniard has fought injuries for much of the last two years and his opponent will be favored — but there’s just something different about the Spaniard playing on Roland Garros’ clay.

Everettgam (neověřeno) | Ne 04.08.2024 20:49

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Michaeldip (neověřeno) | Ne 04.08.2024 21:16

Roland Garros is loud ahead of epic clash between Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic. Here's how to watch.
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The first match of the day is about to get going at Court Philippe-Chatrier here at Roland Garros and it is going to be an electric afternoon in the Paris sunshine.

Today’s first contest is a second-round encounter in the women’s tournament between France’s Diane Parry and Poland’s Iga Swiatek. While the home nation’s crowd will certainly be behind Parry, it’s the second clash on the schedule that has everyone’s mouths watering.
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Rafael Nadal, the ‘King of Clay’ and 14-time winner of the French Open held annually on this court, is the sentimental favorite. Nadal has endeared himself to the Paris faithful over the years with his dominance of the French Open and is attempting to make one final run for gold on what could potentially be one of his last runs on these famous clay courts as he alludes to a career which is slowly winding down.

Meanwhile, for Novak Djokovic — the winner of 24 grand slams, the most all-time in the men’s game — Nadal is a major obstacle to the one title he hasn’t won: an Olympic gold medal. The Serb has been open about his desire to win his first gold.

Nadal eked out a win in three sets on Sunday in his first-round match while Djokovic cruised on Saturday in his opening contest. The Spaniard has fought injuries for much of the last two years and his opponent will be favored — but there’s just something different about the Spaniard playing on Roland Garros’ clay.

AlbertBox (neověřeno) | Ne 04.08.2024 21:18

The latest on the Paris Olympics
<a href=https://kraken18c.com>kraken даркнет</a>
The Olympic tennis tournament is underway, but the red clay of Roland Garros is missing some of the sport’s biggest stars, including world no. 1 Jannik Sinner.

While some are sidelined by illnesses and injuries, others are abstaining as a result of the professional circuit’s brutal schedule this summer.

Between the French Open, Wimbledon and the US Open, summer is always a busy season for those chasing an elusive Grand Slam title. Though the rest of the sports world sees the Olympics as the ultimate competition, the Games’ anthem falls flat amidst the prestigious yearly summer tournaments in Paris, London and New York.
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Ben Shelton, the rising 21-year-old US star ranked No. 14 in the world, said the Olympics fall at a tough time in the tournament schedule, as he will be coming off a stint in Europe and wants to prepare for the US Open.

“Having to go back to Europe to play on clay, a different surface – it kind of messes up a few lead-up tournaments to the US Open that I would play if I wasn’t playing the Olympics,” Shelton told reporters in the spring.

Charlesfog (neověřeno) | Ne 04.08.2024 21:44

The latest on the Paris Olympics
<a href=https://kraken18c.com>kraken официальный сайт</a>
The Olympic tennis tournament is underway, but the red clay of Roland Garros is missing some of the sport’s biggest stars, including world no. 1 Jannik Sinner.

While some are sidelined by illnesses and injuries, others are abstaining as a result of the professional circuit’s brutal schedule this summer.

Between the French Open, Wimbledon and the US Open, summer is always a busy season for those chasing an elusive Grand Slam title. Though the rest of the sports world sees the Olympics as the ultimate competition, the Games’ anthem falls flat amidst the prestigious yearly summer tournaments in Paris, London and New York.
кракен даркнет
Ben Shelton, the rising 21-year-old US star ranked No. 14 in the world, said the Olympics fall at a tough time in the tournament schedule, as he will be coming off a stint in Europe and wants to prepare for the US Open.

“Having to go back to Europe to play on clay, a different surface – it kind of messes up a few lead-up tournaments to the US Open that I would play if I wasn’t playing the Olympics,” Shelton told reporters in the spring.

CurtisFalay (neověřeno) | Ne 04.08.2024 21:56

Roland Garros is loud ahead of epic clash between Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic. Here's how to watch.
<a href=https://kraken18c.com>kraken</a&gt;
The first match of the day is about to get going at Court Philippe-Chatrier here at Roland Garros and it is going to be an electric afternoon in the Paris sunshine.

Today’s first contest is a second-round encounter in the women’s tournament between France’s Diane Parry and Poland’s Iga Swiatek. While the home nation’s crowd will certainly be behind Parry, it’s the second clash on the schedule that has everyone’s mouths watering.
кракен даркнет
Rafael Nadal, the ‘King of Clay’ and 14-time winner of the French Open held annually on this court, is the sentimental favorite. Nadal has endeared himself to the Paris faithful over the years with his dominance of the French Open and is attempting to make one final run for gold on what could potentially be one of his last runs on these famous clay courts as he alludes to a career which is slowly winding down.

Meanwhile, for Novak Djokovic — the winner of 24 grand slams, the most all-time in the men’s game — Nadal is a major obstacle to the one title he hasn’t won: an Olympic gold medal. The Serb has been open about his desire to win his first gold.

Nadal eked out a win in three sets on Sunday in his first-round match while Djokovic cruised on Saturday in his opening contest. The Spaniard has fought injuries for much of the last two years and his opponent will be favored — but there’s just something different about the Spaniard playing on Roland Garros’ clay.

MichaelNup (neověřeno) | Ne 04.08.2024 22:19

The Pitons: These iconic volcanic spires are a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a symbol of Saint Lucia. They offer stunning views and hiking opportunities https://discoversaintlucia.ru/.

Mazrzcx (neověřeno) | Ne 04.08.2024 22:27

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JamesMah (neověřeno) | Ne 04.08.2024 23:02

The latest on the Paris Olympics
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The Olympic tennis tournament is underway, but the red clay of Roland Garros is missing some of the sport’s biggest stars, including world no. 1 Jannik Sinner.

While some are sidelined by illnesses and injuries, others are abstaining as a result of the professional circuit’s brutal schedule this summer.

Between the French Open, Wimbledon and the US Open, summer is always a busy season for those chasing an elusive Grand Slam title. Though the rest of the sports world sees the Olympics as the ultimate competition, the Games’ anthem falls flat amidst the prestigious yearly summer tournaments in Paris, London and New York.
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Ben Shelton, the rising 21-year-old US star ranked No. 14 in the world, said the Olympics fall at a tough time in the tournament schedule, as he will be coming off a stint in Europe and wants to prepare for the US Open.

“Having to go back to Europe to play on clay, a different surface – it kind of messes up a few lead-up tournaments to the US Open that I would play if I wasn’t playing the Olympics,” Shelton told reporters in the spring.

Joshuatully (neověřeno) | Ne 04.08.2024 23:02

Качественные материалы и современные технологии для вашего комфорта https://kuhnyaekuhnyaafabrika.ru/.

Jamesskype (neověřeno) | Ne 04.08.2024 23:49

Индивидуальные проекты, которые полностью соответствуют вашим требованиям и пространству https://kuhnyaykuhnyayfabrika.ru!

RichardRab (neověřeno) | Ne 04.08.2024 23:56

Heat is testing the limits of human survivability. Here’s how it kills
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Philip Kreycik should have survived his run.

In the summer of 2021, the 37-year-old ultra-marathon runner used an app to plot a roughly 8-mile loop through Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park in California, a huge stretch of parkland threaded with trails.

On the morning of July 10, as temperatures crept into the 90s, Kreycik set off from his car, leaving his phone and water locked inside. He started at a lightning pace — eating up the first 5 miles, each one in less than six minutes.
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Then things started to go wrong. GPS data from his smartwatch showed he slowed dramatically. He veered off the trail. His steps became erratic. By this time, the temperature was above 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

When Kreycik failed to show up for a family lunch, his wife contacted the police.
It took more than three weeks to find his body. An autopsy showed no sign of traumatic injuries. Police confirmed Kreycik likely experienced a medical emergency related to the heat.

The tragedy is sadly far from unique; extreme heat is turning ordinary activities deadly.

People have died taking a stroll in the midday sun, on a family hike in a national park, at an outdoor Taylor Swift concert, and even sweltering in their homes without air conditioning. During this year’s Hajj pilgrimage in June, around 1,300 people perished as temperatures pushed above 120 degrees Fahrenheit in Mecca.

MichaelNup (neověřeno) | Po 05.08.2024 00:38

The Pitons: These iconic volcanic spires are a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a symbol of Saint Lucia. They offer stunning views and hiking opportunities https://discoversaintlucia.ru/.

Louisunera (neověřeno) | Po 05.08.2024 00:49

The latest on the Paris Olympics
<a href=https://kraken18c.com>Кракен тор</a>
The Olympic tennis tournament is underway, but the red clay of Roland Garros is missing some of the sport’s biggest stars, including world no. 1 Jannik Sinner.

While some are sidelined by illnesses and injuries, others are abstaining as a result of the professional circuit’s brutal schedule this summer.

Between the French Open, Wimbledon and the US Open, summer is always a busy season for those chasing an elusive Grand Slam title. Though the rest of the sports world sees the Olympics as the ultimate competition, the Games’ anthem falls flat amidst the prestigious yearly summer tournaments in Paris, London and New York.
kraken даркнет
Ben Shelton, the rising 21-year-old US star ranked No. 14 in the world, said the Olympics fall at a tough time in the tournament schedule, as he will be coming off a stint in Europe and wants to prepare for the US Open.

“Having to go back to Europe to play on clay, a different surface – it kind of messes up a few lead-up tournaments to the US Open that I would play if I wasn’t playing the Olympics,” Shelton told reporters in the spring.

Mazrqef (neověřeno) | Po 05.08.2024 00:51
Joshuatully (neověřeno) | Po 05.08.2024 01:12

Качественные материалы и современные технологии для вашего комфорта https://kuhnyaekuhnyaafabrika.ru/.

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