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Dotaz k ultrazvuku a stanovení stáří plodu

Dobrý den, paní doktorko,

opravdu moc Vám děkuji za upřesnění mého dotazu týkající se ultrazvuků a stanovení stáří plodu. Věřím, že jste časově značně vytížená, nicméně jsem se rozhodla, že Vám ještě jednou napíšu.

Pokud by to bylo možné, ráda bych se s Vámi ještě poradila. Bude to znít možná hloupě, omlouvám se... S přítelem jsme se po dvanácti letech společného soužití rozhodli založit rodinu. Toto jsme plánovali velmi důkladně a snažili jsme se na to co nejlépe připravit (jak fyzicky, tak psychicky). Dohodli jsme se, že se o miminko začneme snažit v listopadu 2015. Na konci října jsem však udělala, bohužel pod vlivem alkoholu, fatální chybu, které nesmírně lituji, s dlouholetým společným kamarádem. Bohužel kromě mazlení přes oblečení a orální sex (s ejakulací do úst) k ničemu jinému nedošlo. Toto se stalo 4 DC, kdy mi končila menstruace. Cykly mívám delší, za posledního půl roku pravidelné v rozmezí 30-31 dnů. S přítelelem jsme se začali snažit o miminko 10 DC, dále jsme měli nechráněný pohlavní styk 12 DC, 14 DC, 16 DC a 19 DC. Podařilo se nám hned napoprvé. Bohužel místo radosti od zjištění těhotenství prožívám velké trápení a špatný psychický stav mi i komplikuje průběh těhotenství. Je to již 6 měsíců, co mě napadají myšlenky, zda nemohlo děťátko vzejít z toho orálního sexu...

Já vím, že skrze něj k otěhotnění dojít nemůže, ale v hlavě mi neustále běží myšlenky, že jsem mohla mít nějaké sperma na ruce (i když jsem si je hned poté umyla) a potom se třeba otřít o přirození (například při následném zavádění tamponu na toaletě), nepatrné množství takto přeneseného spermatu se mohlo dostat dovnitř a počkat zde třeba na ovulaci - 6 dní? Paní doktorko, je možné takto otěhotnět?

Těhotenský test mi vyšel pozitivní až cca 5 dní po vynechání menstruace; od začátku těhotenství jsem podstoupila ultrazvukové vyšetření - nejprve nebylo vidět srdíčko a můj gynekolog naznal, že je těhotenství mladší, v 7tt, 10tt a 13 tt (NT+ screening) vycházelo těhotenství vždy o 6 dní mladší. Proto jsem se Vás ptala, zda ultrazvuk pozná přibližné datum početí a stáří plodu. Paní doktorko, můžu se na Vás ještě, prosím Vás - jakožto odborníka na plodnost/neplodnost, obrátit s dotazem, zda je možné, aby shora popisovaným způsobem došlo k početí (v rámci orálního sexu a případného přenosu nepatrného množství spermatu, při menstruaci, při délce mého cyklu, s ohledem na výsledky ultrazvuků). Asi Vám to zní šíleně, ale věřte, že místo šťastného období procházím depresemi a úzkostmi, "zda se nemohlo něco stát". Pokud dopočítám dle UZ a odečtu těch zmíněných 14 dní, vychází početí vždy na 21 DC - mohu se na to spolehnout, nemůže se ultrazvuk ve stanovení stáří splést třeba o 10-12 dní? S přítelem jsme oba drobní, tak jestli není miminko třeba menší z tohoto důvodu a k otěhotnění nemohlo dojít už třeba 4 - 9 DC...

Moc se omlouvám, že Vám ještě píšu, ale musela jsem. Budu velmi, ale velmi vděčná za Vaši odpověď a vysvětlení, pokud si uděláte čas.

Hodně by mi to pomohlo. Ještě jednou Vám moc děkuji, Dagmar


Vážená paní Hradská,

děkuji Vám za důvěru. Jsem si zcela jistá, že k početí způsobem, který popisujete (orální sex, případné spermie na ruce a otření se o přirození), dojít nemohlo. K početí je třeba poměrně vysoké koncentrace pohyblivých spermií. Představa, že tento výše popsaný případný (vůbec ne jistý) způsob zavedení spermií do pochvy dostačuje k otěhotnění, je, naštěstí pro Vás, zcela mylná. Takto příroda nefunguje. Provedená ultrazvukové měření navíc ukazují na to, že k početí došlo opravdu mnohem později. V počátečních těhotenských týdnech všechny zdravé plody rostou stejně, až zhruba ve druhé části gravidity se růst jednotlivých plodů individuálně odlišuje podle genetických předpokladů, výživy matky a podobně. Proto je také měření v 10. - 12. týdnu nejpřesnější. Prosím, radujte se z Vašeho těhotenství a už nemějte vůbec žádné pochyby.

Mějte se krásně.

Se srdečným pozdravem

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BlakeJorgo (neověřeno) | Po 18.11.2024 19:30

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DouglasNon (neověřeno) | Po 18.11.2024 19:57

Why this small city is the ‘eyeglasses capital’ of Japan
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Japan is famed for its skilled artisans, masters who maintain a commitment to tradition while modernizing production techniques in line with the development of new materials and processes.

Many places in the country have grown famous by focusing on specific crafts, from exquisite kimonos to perfectly designed knives. Among them is the small city of Sabae, in Fukui prefecture, about a 3.5-hour train ride from Tokyo.
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It’s widely known as Japan’s eyeglasses capital – and for good reason. Sabae produces over 90% of the frames manufactured in the country, according to the local government. Signs and objects shaped like eyeglasses can be found on city streets, and there’s even a museum and festival devoted to spectacles.
The art of making spectacles
Sabae, located on Japan’s main Honshu island near the city of Fukui, has been producing quality eyewear for more than a century.

It all started in 1905, when a local government official invited skilled eyeglasses artisans to come to the city to teach their craft, an attempt to create new opportunities for local farmers.

The move paid off. Today, Sabae has over 100 companies that collaborate to make pairs of glasses.

Though these studios use cutting-edge machinery to produce new frames made of metal and acetate, most stages still require the skilled hands and trained eyes of Sabae’s master artisans.

That includes Takeshi Yamae, a frame designer with Japanese brand Boston Club who has lived in the city for 17 years. He tells CNN one pair of glasses can involve more than 200 steps.

“I first design it, sketch it, then put it into my computer,” he says. “From the time I start designing, to the time I have the perfect product, it takes more than a year.”

Kyliecoace (neověřeno) | Po 18.11.2024 19:59

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RonaldOccar (neověřeno) | Po 18.11.2024 20:14

How a drab Soviet metropolis became Central Asia’s capital of cool
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Several cities around the globe have reinvented themselves in recent years, but none more successfully than Almaty.

Since the collapse of the USSR, Kazakhstan’s largest city (population 2.2 million and growing) has evolved from a drab, run-of-the-mill Soviet metropolis into the urban star of Central Asia.
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Along the way, the city has developed one of the world’s most beautiful metro systems, grown into a thriving banking and finance center, complemented its vintage bazaars with luxury boutiques and modern shopping malls and reshaped its traditional gastronomy into a nouvelle cuisine that’s drawing raves from foodies around the world.

Almaty is also evolving into the cultural and artistic hub of Central Asia. It’s already got several world-class museums (including a “secret” underground collection that doesn’t even have a name) and a dazzling new cultural center slated to open early next year.

“It’s an incredibly livable city,” says long-time American resident Dennis Keen, a historic preservation advocate and founder of Walking Almaty.

“Green and clean. You don’t need a car. The public transit here is fantastic. And it’s very much the center of contemporary art and dining in Central Asia.”

Keen adds that whenever he tells someone back home that he lives in Kazakhstan, “Borat” inevitably comes up. The movie’s title character doesn’t paint a very flattering portrait of the Central Asian nation. But nowadays one is tempted to think that if Borat visited Almaty now, he would say, “Very nice!”

BlakeJorgo (neověřeno) | Po 18.11.2024 20:22

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Jamesacemo (neověřeno) | Po 18.11.2024 20:55

‘We barely made it out’: Californians desperately flee their homes amid raging wildfires
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Terrie Morin, 60, and her husband, Dave, were at the barber shop when they heard about a raging wildfire making headway toward their Camarillo home on Wednesday morning.

The couple were hosting two guests at the time, but because their guests worked late, Morin suspected they slept through the residence’s fire alarms.

“I run in the house, and I’m banging on the door, and they did not hear me. They were knocked out,” Morin told CNN. “Get the dog. Get out of here. You don’t have time, just get out!” she recalled telling them.
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Ten minutes later, Dave noticed sparks in their backyard. The temperature was also picking up.

“It was hot. It was so hot,” Morin recalled.

Dozens of homes in California’s Ventura County were set alight in a sweeping wildfire that burned through thousands of acres of land in just a matter of hours midweek –– prompting authorities to send more than 14,000 evacuation notices across the region.

The Mountain Fire began early Wednesday and was driven by winds gusting over 60 mph. The flames have seared through more than 20,485 acres of land, according to Cal Fire.

The families who evacuated at a moment’s notice, some who say they have now lost their homes, must deal with other losses that can also be devastating, from daily essentials like medications and shoes to meaningful possessions such as sculptures and artwork, to treasured keepsakes from the birth of a child or the life of a parent.

At least 132 properties have been destroyed by the fire, while 88 have been left damaged, Ventura County Fire Department officials said Thursday evening. Ten damage inspection teams have been deployed to inspect structures along the path of the blaze.

Ten people endured non-life-threatening injuries from the Mountain Fire, which are mostly related to smoke inhalation, Ventura County Sheriff Jim Fryhoff said.

LamontTonge (neověřeno) | Po 18.11.2024 21:25

‘We barely made it out’: Californians desperately flee their homes amid raging wildfires
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Terrie Morin, 60, and her husband, Dave, were at the barber shop when they heard about a raging wildfire making headway toward their Camarillo home on Wednesday morning.

The couple were hosting two guests at the time, but because their guests worked late, Morin suspected they slept through the residence’s fire alarms.

“I run in the house, and I’m banging on the door, and they did not hear me. They were knocked out,” Morin told CNN. “Get the dog. Get out of here. You don’t have time, just get out!” she recalled telling them.
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Ten minutes later, Dave noticed sparks in their backyard. The temperature was also picking up.

“It was hot. It was so hot,” Morin recalled.

Dozens of homes in California’s Ventura County were set alight in a sweeping wildfire that burned through thousands of acres of land in just a matter of hours midweek –– prompting authorities to send more than 14,000 evacuation notices across the region.

The Mountain Fire began early Wednesday and was driven by winds gusting over 60 mph. The flames have seared through more than 20,485 acres of land, according to Cal Fire.

The families who evacuated at a moment’s notice, some who say they have now lost their homes, must deal with other losses that can also be devastating, from daily essentials like medications and shoes to meaningful possessions such as sculptures and artwork, to treasured keepsakes from the birth of a child or the life of a parent.

At least 132 properties have been destroyed by the fire, while 88 have been left damaged, Ventura County Fire Department officials said Thursday evening. Ten damage inspection teams have been deployed to inspect structures along the path of the blaze.

Ten people endured non-life-threatening injuries from the Mountain Fire, which are mostly related to smoke inhalation, Ventura County Sheriff Jim Fryhoff said.

Williamcluth (neověřeno) | Po 18.11.2024 22:54

‘We barely made it out’: Californians desperately flee their homes amid raging wildfires
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Terrie Morin, 60, and her husband, Dave, were at the barber shop when they heard about a raging wildfire making headway toward their Camarillo home on Wednesday morning.

The couple were hosting two guests at the time, but because their guests worked late, Morin suspected they slept through the residence’s fire alarms.

“I run in the house, and I’m banging on the door, and they did not hear me. They were knocked out,” Morin told CNN. “Get the dog. Get out of here. You don’t have time, just get out!” she recalled telling them.
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Ten minutes later, Dave noticed sparks in their backyard. The temperature was also picking up.

“It was hot. It was so hot,” Morin recalled.

Dozens of homes in California’s Ventura County were set alight in a sweeping wildfire that burned through thousands of acres of land in just a matter of hours midweek –– prompting authorities to send more than 14,000 evacuation notices across the region.

The Mountain Fire began early Wednesday and was driven by winds gusting over 60 mph. The flames have seared through more than 20,485 acres of land, according to Cal Fire.

The families who evacuated at a moment’s notice, some who say they have now lost their homes, must deal with other losses that can also be devastating, from daily essentials like medications and shoes to meaningful possessions such as sculptures and artwork, to treasured keepsakes from the birth of a child or the life of a parent.

At least 132 properties have been destroyed by the fire, while 88 have been left damaged, Ventura County Fire Department officials said Thursday evening. Ten damage inspection teams have been deployed to inspect structures along the path of the blaze.

Ten people endured non-life-threatening injuries from the Mountain Fire, which are mostly related to smoke inhalation, Ventura County Sheriff Jim Fryhoff said.

PeterJes (neověřeno) | Po 18.11.2024 23:12

Why this small city is the ‘eyeglasses capital’ of Japan
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Japan is famed for its skilled artisans, masters who maintain a commitment to tradition while modernizing production techniques in line with the development of new materials and processes.

Many places in the country have grown famous by focusing on specific crafts, from exquisite kimonos to perfectly designed knives. Among them is the small city of Sabae, in Fukui prefecture, about a 3.5-hour train ride from Tokyo.
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It’s widely known as Japan’s eyeglasses capital – and for good reason. Sabae produces over 90% of the frames manufactured in the country, according to the local government. Signs and objects shaped like eyeglasses can be found on city streets, and there’s even a museum and festival devoted to spectacles.
The art of making spectacles
Sabae, located on Japan’s main Honshu island near the city of Fukui, has been producing quality eyewear for more than a century.

It all started in 1905, when a local government official invited skilled eyeglasses artisans to come to the city to teach their craft, an attempt to create new opportunities for local farmers.

The move paid off. Today, Sabae has over 100 companies that collaborate to make pairs of glasses.

Though these studios use cutting-edge machinery to produce new frames made of metal and acetate, most stages still require the skilled hands and trained eyes of Sabae’s master artisans.

That includes Takeshi Yamae, a frame designer with Japanese brand Boston Club who has lived in the city for 17 years. He tells CNN one pair of glasses can involve more than 200 steps.

“I first design it, sketch it, then put it into my computer,” he says. “From the time I start designing, to the time I have the perfect product, it takes more than a year.”

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